Tracing the Food Gap - Augmented Reality Collaboration -Duda Visiting Designer Program and Not Impossible Labs
​Tracing the Food Gap is an augmented reality project (using the HoloLens 2) that visually displays historical examples of food security and how systems of production and consumption operate within these historical socio-political conditions. In order to understand the complexities of food insecurity, it is essential to investigate moments in history that serve as examples of efficient and functioning systems of production, distribution, and consumption. 
The project acts as a hands-on educational device allowing users to interact with augmented-reality models while learning about key historical moments when communities created efficient systems to combat food insecurity. The use of augmented reality glasses creates a dynamic storytelling environment, ultimately fostering a more immersive and educational experience.
Concept art created in Adobe Photoshop, and 3D models created in Autodesk Maya
Video and images taken through the augmented reality headset HoloLens2

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